MWCedu has a minimum and suggested a quality of courses on the platform. Our review team is accessible to help you get your course ready for students to learn. You can expect to receive customized responses when you submit a test video and when you submit your course for review.

We highly suggest or recommend you to take advantage of our :

Your test video service to get customized help and feedback on audio and video quality. This will fill you with courage and confidence about your A/V recording setup before going to record the course. Learn more about Audio and Video issues.

A Complete Course should include :

    Your lesson should be of minimum 20 minutes.

    The duration of the course should be 1 hour.

    Worthy educational content.

    HD Video quality (720p or 1080p).

    Audio that comes out should correspond to video.

    Audio quality that is not diverting the students.

A Complete course alighting page include :

    The image should have high-quality image with MWCedu image standards (min.2048 1152 pixels).

    The course should be well written with Title and Subtitle and also include applicable keywords.

    compact, honestwell-written course of explanation.

    Course goal should be clear, target students, and requirements that are easily understandable.

    A reliable or trustworthy instructor Bio data and profile picture.

Student Experience Checklist

Value quality content for students should be foremost. For satisfaction of student, when you create a course, we strongly suggest that you notify yourself with course creation best practices in 3 principal areas 


    Learning Experience

    Clear and Obligating Marketing


When students pay for a digital or computerized product, they expect a certain level of professional polish. We strongly suggest that your audio setup be evaluated by the MWCedu review team. We offer this thing free in the Test Video tab of your instructor dashboard.

Good Audio has :

Your video should not have background noises or buzz (usually comes from electronic appliances, environmental noises and mike setup issues). There should be no distracting sound or popping. There should be adequate base volume that comes out of both headphone buds.

Video Quality

In this modern era, everybody needs HD video quality. The quality video experience put an impact on students learning experience.

Good Video include :

The video should be of HD quality, 720p or 1080p Video should be clear, not fuzzy or blurry, so that students can see you and the course content easily. Video should not be shaky. It should be well framed and zoomed in properly. The video should be free of obstacles.

Delivery Quality

The students expect you to sound like you know what you are talking about.

Good Delivery Includes :

Simple and easy style of speaking with very less umms and ahhs. Passionate and energetic tone of voice. Pronunciation of words should be clear and proper use of highlight important points.

Learning Experience

    When taking your course, students learn better when: An overview video provides a preview of your exclusive appearances. There should be at least one minutes.

    Avoid spending too much time in the background. Share your useful content as early as possible.

    Each section of your lecture has a logical goal.

    Each lecture should have 1 fundamental concept and message.

    Each section should have 1 learning activity such as an exercise, quiz or project so that students have time to know what they have learned.

    Provided all needy resources, downloads, and links for each practice activity. (ex. Worksheets, practice files etc.)

    Your Lecture format can vary throughout the course.

    Excessive screen casts can make your lecture uninteresting.

Clear and interesting Marketing

When deciding whether to take your course, students want to know what skills they will learn in your course. Set your course goal with strong action words that complete your sentence At the end of this course, you will learn

For whom the course it makes for

Use headlines or labels such as levelsindustry and learning intent to differentiate your target students. If you say this course is for everyone really means it is for every community group.

What kind of experience you will provide

One minute promo video provides students a taste of your teaching style. We recommend you to provide interesting and exciting goals of your course. You should share what is exciting and different in your course, so that students feel more confident in their course purchase decision.

That it is good value for the money

Your course price should be comparable to other courses in similar topics, length of your topic content, and style of teaching. If the price of your course is different, explain why it is so.

What key Lectures will cover ?

Lecture explanations brighten your course curriculum and make students more confident in their course purchase decision.