MWCedu instructors receive different email notifications related to MWCedu, it can approach some notifications in your account notification bell icon. This info will help you know how to change your notifications setting and the different notifications you receive.

 Kindly note: You cannot message directly, and Q & A are not available in the free courses.

 Changing the setting of notifications for your Instructor account.

 You can edit the following settings for your MWCedu account by following the step

 1. Move your pointer to the top-right edge of your screen.

 2. Next, click on the notifications setting.

 3. From there, allow the notifications and any Announcement from the instructor side you want to receive. Kindly note: if you want instructor daily Q& to receive a notification digest, check a box next to two important updates and Helpful resources about being an Instructor on MWCedu. 

 4. After editing the settings of the notifications, click Save Changes

MWCedu Instructor Community Subscription Update and Notification Activity

Kindly push and email notifications you like to receive you can enable or disable settings.

Whenever you subscribe to anyone your course profile MWCedu sends confirmation mail by SMS or email. Suggested course related to student searchable category, if any activity on comments and replies your side comment so receive any activity or any reply confirmation message through email notification if you enable according to your necessity. If you don’t recommend notification you can disable the toggle key. 

Editing the notifications setting for a particular course

Instructors can change the settings for each of their courses and choose if they wish to receive lecture-ready emails and the daily Q&A digest for the particular course.

First, confirm that it checks the box next to Helpful resources and important updates related to being an instructor on MWCedu. After that, to edit the notifications settings for a specific course, please follow the given steps below:-

1. Locate the Course Management Page and click the setting icon on the right. 

2. Then, click Manage email notifications. 

3. Select the notifications you want to receive for your chosen course and click Save.

For a guide on how to edit the notifications setting for a particular course you have chosen as a student, please refer to this article.

On-site notifications are highlighted by a red number that comes out in the notifications bell navigated at the top right of the page. After clicking on the bell, you will read the notifications.