The instructors out of their creativity may better utilize PowerPoint or Keynote presentations by converting them into video lectures for their courses. Video lectures often leave a better and more effective impact on learning. They may insert audio and narrate the content concerning the video lecture. Through this article, steps to convert both PowerPoint presentations and Keynote Presentations into video lectures will be mentioned.
Conversion Of A PowerPoint Presentation To A Video
An instructor can turn the created presentation into a video with audio narration. Converting a presentation into a Video requires no special software. It can be carried out in PowerPoint itself if 2010 or later versions of PowerPoint are available.
Steps For Recording The Narration
Audio narration can be added to the PowerPoint slides in the methods as stated below:
1. Select the Slideshow tab, under it an option Record Slideshow is available, Choose the option.
2. Use external mics or the default microphone as has been systemized in your computer to record the narration along the slide show. Choosing Record Slideshow launches the presentation and starts recording.
3. Check the presentation slides consecutively and automatically the entire session will be recorded. But if not done carefully, under the same Record Slideshow section, individual slides can be recorded.
Steps To Save The Presentation As A Video
After recording the audio narration, convert the PowerPoint presentation into a video by accessing the Create Video in the settings. Necessarily save the file both as a video file and a PowerPoint file to keep the option of editing the PowerPoint presentation later if necessary.
Conversion Of A Keynote Presentation Into A Video Lecture
Other than PowerPoint, Keynote is also an effective medium to convert presentations into video lectures with audio narration.
Addition of Audio To A Keynote Presentation
Audio narration can be added to a Keynote Presentation in the following ways:
1. Clicking on the square icon on the toolbar, click on the Audio tab present at the top of the sidebar on the right.
2. Select the Record option in the sidebar.
3. Click on the red circle icon to start recording. Narrate your audio clearly to the microphone.
4. Advance to the next slides either by pressing the right arrow key or clicking the slide in the recording window. To stop recording just click on the red circle icon.
5. Press Esc (Escape) from the keyboard to save the recording and exit the presentation.
Phases for Transferring a Defining Appearance Such as a Video
Once the audio is added to your Keynote Presentation, converting it into a video lecture is very simple. Click on the File. Then select Export. Finally, select QuickTime.
Finally, your Keynote Presentation is ready in video format.