Click the option Save after uploading the image.
Learn more about our profiles of instructors.
Settings of Privacy
In this portion, you may make changes to your settings of privacy of your image or profile.
Show your course on the profile image
If you wish you can also show your course on your profile page and add a short description.
Kindly note that when you become a published trainer your profile will be shown to the public. Your profile also shows as searchable in the engine of search.
Registration for Premium trainer
If you want to sail your course on the marketplace of MWCedu you can set the price. You are required to register as a premium instructor. For more details, kindly see Learn How to Become a Premium Trainer.
How to cooperatively create a course
If you are cooperating with multiple persons to generate or handle a course, every person must create an account. For more details, please see Adding Co-Trainers and Teaching Assistant.
How to create an account of Instructor as a business
The instructor may also open an MWCedu account of the Instructor as an organization or a company. The process would be the same as it is above. Kindly note that you can reach out to your company representatives during the process of Instructor verification to confirm the association.
Edit Your Account Settings
You can edit your account settings in the following manner,
Go to the Account option. Provide the necessary details to edit the account settings. After entering your email address, add your current password. After this enter the New Password and finally Re-type your Password. Click on the Save option to save the changes.Â