Question (1) -What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Answer – In the context of advertising, affiliate marketing refers to the practice
of paying outside publications to direct customers to a company’s goods and
services.The affiliate third-party publishers are incentivized by the commission
payout to find ways to promote the company.

Question (2) – Can I join MWCedu as an affiliate even if I don’t have
any experience in this work ?
Answer – Yes, You can join without having any experience. The best
thing about affiliate marketing is that, regardless of age, marketing
expertise, geography, or financial constraints, almost anyone can start
doing it. All you need is a subject that interests you, along with a little
time and energy to expand your affiliate channel.

Question (3) – Does an affiliate marketer get paid?
Answer – Affiliate marketing is the process of earning money (commissions) every
time you promote a company’s products or services and drive a sale. Similar to a
commission-only sales representative, you are only paid when you successfully drive
a sale.

Question (4) – How much can I make money ?
Answer – We offer competitive commission rates. You will make more money by
promoting more courses.

Question (5) – What do I promote?
Answer – You have the choice! Which courses to promote is up to you.

Question (6) – Do I have access to promotions and special discounts?
Answer – As an affiliate partner, you’ll have access to publisher-exclusive promotions
and unique content.

Question (7) – How long does it take to get started?

Answer – Sign up today and we’ll review your application within 48 hours.

Question (8) – Why should i join the Affiliate marketing program of MWCedu ?
Answer – There are numerous benefits of joining an affiliate marketing
program of MWCedu which are mentioned below:
*You can earn a commission by promoting our content and courses
*You can work from the comfort of your home
*Understand your sales by tracking performance across your network
*Create your identity and expand your audience

Question (9) – Can I Create Coupons to courses?
Answer- At present nobody is eligible to create coupons for courses. If one has
registered into our affiliate program, one will regularly receive emails with our
latest promotions to be shared.

Question (10) – Are affiliate tools provided by you?
Answer – We don’t provide text links, banners (which are actually available on
networks ), Instead, we offer banners in all available common sizes, but if we
don’t have the size you are in need for promotion, you can create your own
creative to serve the purpose.

Question (11) – How to promote MWCedu courses?
Answer – MWCedu runs promotions and offers each month on every course. It
is recommended that, affiliator take advantage of the opportunity to promote
courses at a discounted price. You will receive notice about running of these
promotions and the current status about them through email. These
promotions will have specific start and end dates, so please consider
these while promoting them to your audience and viewers. Once the promotion
gets over, your audience will not be able to take advantage of the deal. These
promotions also include creative assets and banners. You are not needed to
use these banners in conjunction with the text links; however, it is highly used
and recommended.

Question (12) – Can I promote a specific course?
Answer- Yes, you can promote as many courses as you want or you can
choose a specific course. You can use the techno savvy deep linking tool to
create an affiliate link for a particular course you want to promote. A deep link is like any other affiliate link except that it goes to a page on of your choosing.

Question (13) – How can I ensure about how much I have earned in
Answer – You can get detailed information about your commissions under the
Reporting section of your network account. You can go through commissions
and generate reports on the performance of your promotions. Your maximum
discount will be 95% and the minimum price will be INR. 400/-

Question (14) – When will I get paid?
Answer – Commissions are paid after clearance of the 30 day refund period
from a sale. We provide customers with the facility to refund a product within
30 days. For example, commissions you earned during April month will be
counted for invoice in May and will be paid in the month of June once the
refund period of 30 days has cleared for all sales.

Question (15) – Do I get paid for the sales if a customer already has a
MWCedu account?
Answer – Yes. We pay commissions for all new and existing users.

Question (16) – How much share will I get ?
Answer – 25 % .

Question (17) – On what social media platform can I promote MWCedu’s
courses ?
Answer – You can promote MWCedu’s courses on any online platform where
more and more learners can connect with our courses .

Question (18 ) – How can I track publisher sales activity ?
Answer – Each publisher has a distinct publisher ID, which is used in tracking cookies
to record which publishers are responsible for what kinds of purchases. Then, this
action will be shown on the affiliate network dashboard.

Question (19) – Is social media activity an important part of affiliate marketing?
Answer- Publishers use a variety of strategies to advertise their programmes, such
as blogs, websites, email marketing, pay-per-click, and social media posts. However,
social media is a good source of potential traffic because of its sizable engaging

Question (20) – Is affiliate marketing still expanding?
Answer- Affiliate Marketing is undoubtedly still developing and increasing, especially
given the anticipated surge in spending. The powerful mix of affiliate marketing and
influencer marketing has been ruling the world of marketing and it appears that this
trend will continue. Expect to see affiliate marketing grow as a result of combining the
two approaches.

Question (21) – Are affiliate sales incremental?
Answer- Units sold during a specific marketing effort are referred to as
incremental sales. These campaigns may take the shape of influencer marketing,
affiliate marketing, social media ads, or other forms of advertising. Someone
outside the firm (not the company itself) must generate the lead that results in the
sale for it to be an incremental sale. Without the assistance of that partner,
affiliate, or social media platform, that sale would not have been possible. Sales
from affiliates do increase over time.

Question (22) – What skills are required to join as an affiliate marketer on
MWCedu ?

Answer – There are some skills which are essential to join as an affiliate
marketer on MWCedu.

1. Problem solving: Successful affiliates possess the ability to
identify problems and solutions.

2. Creativity: Fresh insight, the ability to generate ideas, and a
willingness to experiment will help affiliates sell your products.

3. Communication: Ideal partners can clearly express relevant
concepts in a relatable way.

4. Technical: It’s important that your partners are able to use the
necessary tools to promote your brand, and adapt as needed.

5. Productivity: Knowing how to organise information and adhere to
deadlines helps affiliates get the word out about your brand.

Question (23) – How can i improve my affiliate marketing skills?

Answer- You can enhance your affiliate marketing skills with the help of
below mentioned skills:-

Create solid content

Track your success

Know your products

Engage your visitors

Concentrate on one niche

Instead of selling, provide information and assistance

Choose the right products

Always be testing and improving

Dedicate the time

Set proper expectations

Question (24) – What do i need to know about Affiliate marketing as a
beginner ?

Answer – Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy in which an
online retailer pays a website a commission for each consumer it refers to as a result
of the website’s promotional activities. The website, which is frequently referred to as
an affiliate, won’t be compensated unless their promotion results in a sale.

Question (25) – Is an affiliate marketing business still worth it ?

Answer – Yes, if you are willing to put in the work! All you need is an audience, quality
affiliate products to promote and content that drives traffic. That’s all easier said than
done, but it’s definitely possible if you are willing to take the time to do it.

Question (26) – What is the success rate of affiliate marketing?

Answer – The average affiliate conversion rate normally hovers around 1%. This
percentage is an estimate, because many affiliate marketers will keep their affiliate
conversion rate to themselves.

Question (27) – What is an affiliate program?

Answer- An affiliate program refers to the package you create for your product, which
is then made available to potential publishers. The program will generally include
details of the product, the retail value of the product, commission levels and
promotional materials. Many affiliate programs are managed via an affiliate network.

Question (28) – What kinds of benefits will a company provide as an
affiliate marketer ?
Answer – On MWCedu you can find various

Question (29) – What are the Ways To Promote Affiliate Products Using Social
Media ?
Answer – Promoting in Courses-specific Groups
Be the Community’s Influencer
Deliver Value With Quality Content. …
Include Course Images in the Content. …
Create Shortened URLs for Affiliate Redirect. …

Promote Catchy Offers. …
To Sum It Up.

Question (30) – How To Become An Affiliate On MWCedu ?
Answer- Choose on a MWCedu platform.
Choose your Educational Course niche.
Sign up with Google Account on Website
Login With google
Enrol Free Courses
Earn commission by sharing relevant content and
offers with your audience
Convert clicks to sales.

Question (31) – What is share revenue for affiliate marketers ?
Answer – Affiliate share – Out of the 100% of the share, 25% of the share goes to the
affiliates, 35% of the share is received by MWCedu platform and 40% of the share
goes to the instructor. We partner with the affiliates to maximise the sales of the
instructors and pay for advertisement of your courses across the global network.
Affiliate share – out of the 100% of the share, 25% of the share goes to the affiliate ,
35% of the share is received by MWcedu platform and 40% of the share goes to the

Question (32) – What are the general liable terms for live classes for affiliate
marketing ?
Answer – 1. Unauthorised or manipulative sources to promote
2. Claiming of earnings in manipulative way
3. Adult content, filmy product traffic
4. Manipulative calls, graphic content, claims and words to encourage selling

Question (33) – Which of these tactics can be used to motivate the affiliates?
Answer – Awarding outstanding performance and having good

Question (34) – What are affiliate marketing links?

Answer – Affiliate marketing links are links that contain additional URL
parameters and IDs unique to each affiliate. This allows merchants (or affiliate
programs or networks) to track where visitors to the merchant’s website come
from. This allows us to match purchases or other actions made by visitors to
our site to the appropriate affiliates for which we pay commissions.
Affiliate marketers can promote MWCedu’s course by links which are given by
our online portal. They can generate tremendous sales through these links.

Question (35) – How does commission work in affiliate marketing?
Answer – commission in affiliate marketing works by tracking the performance
of an affiliate through the affiliate links based on a predetermined goal that
needs to be reached. That goal can simply be visiting the website, which
means that the height of commission will be based on the number of visitors
that are reached .

Question (36) – Which is a reason for approving or rejecting a potential
Answer – Average number of visits on the affiliate’s website and affiliate’s

Question (37) – Is affiliate marketing a pyramid scheme?
Answer – Affiliate marketing is not a pyramid scheme. Pyramid schemes work by
getting people to invest their money and then get others to invest as well, increasing
the value of their own original investment. Affiliate marketing is nothing like that.
This is a collaboration between retailers and affiliates who promote the retailer’s
products for a commission. Affiliates do not personally invest in Merchant’s
products and do not profit from other people’s investments in the

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